Revision in period of training imparted to BPMs/ABPMs/Dak Sevaks before engagement. training period revision order of BPMS ABMs Grameen Daak Sevaks, revised training period orders of BPMs ABPMs GDSs 2019
No: 0 1 -64/2009-Trg. (Vol III)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Training Division)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Training Division)
Dak Bhawari, Sansad Marg.
New Delhi -- 110 001
Dated 31.12.2019
To,New Delhi -- 110 001
Dated 31.12.2019
1. All CPMsG.
2. Director, All PTCs
3. Assistant Director. RTC. Nashik.
Subject:-Revision in period of training imparted to BPMs/ABPMs/Dak Sevaks before engagement.
The Competent Authority has directed that. hereafter. two weeks training be imparted before engagement to BPMs/ABPMs/Dak Sevaks, who are engaged on regular/ provisional basis, out of which one week of training be conducted at Sub-Divisional level and it will be imparted through approved Standard Training Package, which will be provided to Circle by link PTC.
2. This training will be immediately followed by one week of training at the place of -postingisclection during which he will be attached to HO/S01130 concerned tsar practical training covering different aspect ofjob profile of a BPMs/ABPMs/Dak Sevaks i.e. Handling, of IT devices. Mail delivery, SB/SC work etc. so as to enable the trainee BPM/ABPM/Dak Sevak to fully understand his job responsibilities.
3. BPMs/ABPMs/Dak Sevaks engaged on leave arrangement/Substitute ill not be imparted such
training. Incidental charges to this training will be paid. as per provisions contained in this Division's letter no. 01 -54/2011-Irg. dated 16-05-2013. No honorarium will be paid separately to departmental employees for imparting such training_ A certificate of successful completion of field attachment may be Forwarded to the concerned Appointing Authority for each trainee BPM/ABPM/Dak Sevak by Postmaster/BPM concerned. where such attachment has been attended by the trainee BPM/ABPM/Dak Sevak.
4. This has the approval of the Competent Authority.
(Moona Yasmin)
ADC (Training)
ADC (Training)