Department of Expenditure E.IV Branch Ref:- MoD (Fin.) I.D.Note No.767/C/13 dated 03/05/2013 The Ministry of Defence (MoD) may refer to thei...
Department of Expenditure
E.IV Branch
Ref:- MoD (Fin.) I.D.Note No.767/C/13 dated 03/05/2013
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) may refer to their I.D.Note above seeking clarification on the admissibility of TA claim where air tickets have been purchased from a franchisee of M/s Balmer Lawrie and Company Limited (BLCL), which is an authorized travel agent of the Government of India.
2. M/s Balmer and Lawrie has clarified that the franchisee agency is authorized to issue air tickets only in the name of BLCL and are not authorized to levy any service/agency charges etc. for providing franchisee services on behalf of BLCL. Ministry of Defence may, therefore, regulate TA claims where air tickets have been issued by an agency, appointed as its franchisee by BLCL for the purpose of issuing of air tickets on Government account on BLCL's behalf, provided it is ensured that the IATA number quoted on the air ticket is that of BLCL (and not that allotted to the franchisee agency of BLCL or any other) and that the amount reimbursed does not include service/agency charges etc. if any levied by the franchisee agency of BLCL for providing their services.
(Subhash Chand)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
FA/(DS), M/o Defence, South Block, New Delhi
D/o Exp.(MoF) I.D.Note No.84522/2013 dated 21/10/2013(F.No.19024/1/2012- E.IV)
CDGA Forwarding letter:
Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
No. AT/IV/4462/LTC Claim
Date: 12/11/2013
All PCs A/CsDA
Sub: Booking of Air ticket through agents other than the ones authorized by the Government.
A copy of Dept of Expenditure, E.IV Branch I. D. Note no. 84522/2013 dated 21/10/2013 (F.No. 19024/1/2012-E.IV) regarding clarification on the admissibility of TA claim where air tickets have been purchased from afranchisee of M/s Balmer Lawrie and Company Limited (BLCL) which is an authorized travel agent of the Govt. of India is forwarded herewith for information and guidance please.