Acceptance of certificates/qualification awarded by Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna for the purpose of employment on the railways GOVERN...
Acceptance of certificates/qualification awarded by Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna for the purpose of employment on the railways
RBD No.1042013.
New Delhi, dated : 8/10/2013
The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Acceptance of certificates/qualification awarded by Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna for the purpose of employment on the railways
Ref: This office letter of even number dated 16/1/2005 (RBE no.195/2005).
Vide letter under reference, direction were issued to railway establishment that certificates awarded by Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna are not recognized for purpose of appointment/promotion in the Central Government offices.
The issue has been examined in consultation with M/o Human Resource Development, Department of Personnel & Training, M/O personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Council of Boards of School Education in India (COBSE), Delhi and it is clarified that the certificates issued by Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna, 414F, Govidayan, East Boaring Canal Road, Patna – 800 001 shall be treated as valid for employment on the railways and for pursuing higher studies. As regards validity of certificates issued by Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board for employment purposes, it may be got verified from the said Board, wherever necessary.
The above instruction will be valid from 05/10/2012 when Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna has been granted membership by Council of Boards of School Education in India (COBSE), Delhi, Cases pertaining to recruitments/engagements finalized peior to the date of issue of these instructions need not be re-opened.
please acknowledge receipt.
(This disposes of Northern Railway’s letter No.220E/Open Market/RRC/2010 dated 03/6/2013)
(Harsha Dass)
Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board.