Allotment/Retention of General Pool Residential Accommodation to the employees of State/Union Territories Governments posted in Delhi - cla...
Allotment/Retention of General Pool Residential Accommodation to the employees of State/Union Territories Governments posted in Delhi - clarification regarding:-
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Ploicy-II Section
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi - 110 108.
Dated the 9th September, 2013.
Sub: Allotment/Retention of General Pool Residential Accommodation to the employees of State/Union Territories Governments posted in Delhi - clarification regarding.
As per the existing policy, the allotment/retention of residential accommodation to the employees of State/Union Territory Governments working in Delhi is made on the recommendations of the Resident Commissioner of concerned State/UT Government. However, this creates confusion as to whether such recommendations received under the signatures of Additional, Deputy/Assistant Resident Commissioners are to be acted upon or not. Consequently, on such occasions references are referred back to the Resident Commissioner's Office for clarification.
2. The matter has been considered and it is clarified in this regard that the letters received from officers of the level of Additional/Deputy/Assistant Resident Commissioners of the State/UT Governments may be treated as having the approval of recommendation of the Resident Commissioner of the State/UT Governments concerned and should be acted upon accordingly.
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)