SB ORDER NO. 22/2010 No.109-04/2007-SB Government of India Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, ...
SB ORDER NO. 22/2010
No.109-04/2007-SB Government of India Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110116.
Date: 30.11.2010 To All Heads of Circles/Regions Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi.
Subject:-Introduction of Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) norms for small savings schemes-fresh instructions and clarifications regarding.
Sir / Madam,
The undersigned is directed refer to this office letter of even number dated 24.8.2010 (SB Order 18/2010 )vide which revised guidelines for implementation of KYC norms under PMLA were circulated. On receipt of various references from the field units as well as Agent Associations and general public, clause (b) and
(c) of Para No.1 of the Annexure ‘A’ enclosed with SB Order 18/2010 have been amended to exempt personal presence of the depositor(s)/Investor(s) at the time of opening of account/purchase of certificates. Modified clauses are as under:
Revised Para 1/ clause (b) and (c)
At the time of opening of account/ Purchase of certificates, it should be ensured that all KYC documents including photograph have either been self attested or attested by the Gazetted Officer. If the account is opened through agent or certificate are purchase through agent, the concerned agent should also attest the documents including photograph by putting dated signatures alongwith agency number. In case of Joint Accounts/investments, Joint photograph and documents of all co-depositors or investors are required to be submitted.
It is the duty of Counter PA or BPM and Supervisor or SPM (in case of SO) to see that all KYC documents have attestation as per clause (b) and tally the photograph with the Photo ID. They should also tally name of the depositor(s) with name shown in the ID proof and record in witting on Account Opening Form or Purchase application as “ KYC Documents verified & attached”.
1. This may kindly brought to the notice of all post offices for strict implementation and may be ensured that this is followed scrupulously.
2. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).
Yours faithfully,
(Kawal Jit Singh) Assistant Director (SB)
Copy to:-
2. Director (Tech) O/o Pr. CPMG T..N Circle.
3. Director (FS)/Director (CBS), Dak Bhawan.
4. Director of Audit (P&T), Delhi.
5. All Directors/Dy. Directors of Accounts, Postal
6. Director, Postal Staff College, Ghaziabad.
7. All Directors, Postal Training Centres.
8. Director CEPT, PTC Mysore for uploading the SB Order in Department’s Web Site.
9. A.D (Tech), SDC Chennai O/o CPMG T.N.Circle, Chennai.
10. AD /Inspection/PF/Vigilance
11. All Accounts Officers ICO(SB)
12. All recognized unions.
13. PS to Member (T)